Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Top Advertisement campaigns banned over making false claims!!

Advertisement is an important medium used by the companies to make their product known to the target audience, create demand and deliver product information. The basic idea is to tap the unsatisfied need or the perceived benefit of the product by the consumer to drive sales. But sometimes the companies go way too far in claiming the benefits provided by their product or service thus depriving the consumer of actual product information leaving ambiguity. Let’s have a look at some of the superfluous claims made by companies in their advertisements which landed them into trouble.


Lucozade is an energy and sports drink Brand introduced in the year 1927 in UK by a Newcastle chemist William Owen. Japanese conglomerate Suntory acquired the brand from GlaxoSmithKline in 2013. The company went into trouble when it ran a sports campaign claiming “ Lucozade fuels you better than water” .After the ad was run Advertising standard authority received 63 complaints including one from National Hydration Council. A ruling was given that the claims were not acceptable and advertisement was asked to be taken back.

Now the main issue was the use of the word “Fuel” which ASA found to be misleading and said that campaign should have made better reference to the fact that the main advantages of the product would only be seen through prolonged exercise and should not have been left to the interpretation of audience They also maintained that even if the word ‘fuel’ was appropriate rewording of the authorized claim but still the claim is no comparison to water.
Now you may be wondering what an “authorized claim” is? Actually in 2012 in UK advertising codes , the EU register of nutrition and health claims were included which every advertiser has to adhere while making health claims about any food or drink. So reportedly they deviated from the approved wordings too far.

Lesson: Don’t play with words!!    

For watching the banned video check this link:

#Red Bull- It gives you wings!! 

Seriously?? At least that’s not what Benjamin Careathers of America thinks. After consuming the Red Bull for 10 years since 2002. Benjamin, the main complainant filed a lawsuit against company that after consuming Red Bull for years he has neither got any wings nor any stamina or intellect. So, the largest selling energy drink of the world faced a law suit for not delivering what they claim in their advertisements and for inaccurate claims regarding effectiveness of product. The company settled the lawsuit in order to avoid cost of distraction and paid $13 million in settlement.
 Sometimes customer loyalty comes with a cost. Isn’t it?Though I wasn’t expecting to get wings when I drank Red Bull for the first time, people take things too literally!! What they expect a lot of girls hovering over them after applying an AXE deodorant?  I think I just got a lawsuit here.

Lesson: DO NOT take advertisements too literally, they are suggestive.

For red bull's it gives you wings commercial visit :

#Naked Juice by Pepsico

Naked Juice is a popular brand of juices and smoothies in America and is a subsidiary of Pepsico. Naked juice used “all naturals” labeling on its juices and were advertised as “Non GMO” and “All Natural”. 
But a lawsuit was filed against the company for deceptive labeling, advertising and marketing since  some of the ingredients of the product were either genetically –engineered or  were synthetically produced and do not exist in nature. The presence of genetically modified soy was also reported.
The company refuted the claims saying “all naturals” was related to the use of fruits and vegetables. Although a settlement  was reached and $ 9 million fund was established as a part of settlement. People who bought naked juice in the past 6 years were entitled to a payment of $ 75 if they have proof of purchase or $ 45 otherwise depending on their spending on juice. 
The company continues to label its product as “Non GMO” and decided to hire a third party to confirm its non- GMO status, however they removed the “all naturals” labeling till clear guidelines on what natural is.

Lesson- You DON’T make claims like that, nothing is natural today, not even fruits!!

#Nivea vital anti-age cream

Its not new for  cosmetic companies to target the hidden desire of every woman to look beautiful and flawless as long as she live. And it is also not new for the magazines or cosmetic companies to use rebrushed image of the celebrities as a face of the brand. But don’t you think its wrong to make us feel bad about our body and making us chase the unrealistic appearances or if I put it correctly digitally manipulated images.
Although many times companies like Lo’real , Maybelline and covergirl have been slammed for using airbrushed images far from reality. In case of Nivea it was first time a company was asked to take its print ad back when it featured 60 plus model Cindy Joseph. 
When ASA compared the real images of the actress to the rebrushed images, the retouching was drastic and bore no resemblance to the original women making , the edited image made her look 20 years younger.
ASA quoted advertisement as misleading as such results are not possible to achieve by anti -ageing cream. The actress boasted “what you see is what you get”. That’s ironic!!

Lesson: Don’t distort the reality too much as people will eventually know. If you are smart, they are smarter!!


In a classic case of bait and switch advertising the San Francisco based travel tour company accused the daily discount provider Groupon of buying tour related keywords from Google Adwords while not even providing any coupons for that particular tourist destination , thus increasing the cost of keywords for their company and affecting their ranking on SERP.

Lesson: Good thought! But this is not how you do business.

These are just a few companies who had to pay prices because of the false claims they made in their advertisements, there are many more. Please share any company or brand which you know that suffered because of deceptive advertising.

Monday, July 6, 2015

BACARDI - "You know when its Bacardi"

BACARDI- King of Rums

Bacardi is one of the world’s most renowned and oldest spirits brand and has portfolio of more than 200 brands and labels. It is the largest family owned spirits company in the world. Bacardi was founded in 1862 by Don Facundo Bacardí Massó in Cuba and has since been nurtured by seven generations of the Bacardi family. The Bacardi is identified by its unique Logo of free tailed bat also giving it the name “ the rum of the Bat” .
There are many reasons cited for specifically choosing free tailed bat as a symbol. Firstly, the free tailed bat is valuable to rum business, as it eats the insects which destroy sugar cane, which in turn is crucial for the production of rum. It is also said that the garage in which brand Bacardi was started had a lot of fruit bats, which inspired the Bacardi’s unique symbol. Another excerpt says that the logo was suggested by Don Facundo Bacardí’s wife as In Cuban mythology free tailed bat is a symbol of good omen, good luck, and good health. There is no doubt that the logo has brought good luck to the Bacardi family but they had their own share of difficulties too facing wars, financial distress, epidemics but they succeeded.
Recently, the brand in collaboration with Warren Ellis and Michael Allred, industry legends when it comes to making comics, have created the graphic novel “ The spirit of Bacardi” which tells the story of the Bacardi family. According to a press release, the drops of BACARDI Gold rum were added to the ink used by Allred. They literally added Bacardi to the graphic novel in its true sense. And its a must read.
For further information visit: 

How your favorite search engines got their Names?

Search Engines are our window to the world of Web giving us access to the vast source of information in seconds. Intrigued by any question, phenomenon, theory or as simple thing as meaning of your Name, the first thing that comes to our mind is “Let’s search it!!” By typing a few phrases or words in the search tab of these engines we get hundreds of links on the single topic. The power and importance of search engines can be gauged from the fact that approximately 12-13 billion Google searches are done in a month!! So, need not to say how important search engines have become in this digital world. Do you know how the major Search engines of the world got their name? Let’s find out.


Two graduates Larry Page & Sergey Brin of Stanford University made this search engine as a part of their postgraduate project in 1996 and named it “ BackRub” mainly because their search engine searched through Backlinks.
 Later when in 1997 they wanted to register the company and buy a domain, they found the name “ BackRub” little inappropriate. So a friend of theirs suggested the name “Googol” which is  a mathematical term for the number represented by the numeral 1 followed by 100 zeros ,this name seemed apt as it reflected Larry and Sergey's mission to organize a seemingly infinite amount of information on the web. Their friend not realizing that the word is spelled as “Googol” instead searched for “Google” to check the availability of domain. The name striked instantly and world’s largest search engine was coined.


Interestingly,YAHOO!  was also invented by two of the Stanford graduates David Filo and Jerry Yang in January 1994 . It was started mainly to keep track of their personal interests on internet but slowly the list grew too long and a search engine was born. Initially they named it “Jerry and David’s Guide to the World Wide Web” obviously after their names but later they changed it to YAHOO! in April 1994 which is an acronym for “Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle”
Do you know that Yahoo essentially gave up on search in 2010? Yes its true! .YAHOO! handed over  the keys  to Microsoft to serve up Bing search engine results on its websites and they are not providing their own algorithm search results anymore. They entered into a 10 year long contract which will be ending in 2015 itself and it is highly likely that the contract will be renewed i.e Yahoo's results will still be powered by Bing. Well that’s another story. Moving on to our next search engine BING itself.


It is a Web Search engine from Microsoft , it was initially advertised as “Bing and decide” i.e mainly as a decision engine , But they changed the tagline to “Bing is for Doing” in 2012. Microsoft wanted to give a name to search engine which is simple , easy to pronounce and remember. It is said that Bing was inspired from word “Bingo” an exclamation word which means right on or  that something sought has been found which related well to the purpose of search engine. 
Some people have their own versions as to what BING can stand for like “Because its not Google” “Bing is not Google” and many more. Well there is nothing official about it!!

ASK founded in June 1996 by Garrett Gruener & David Warthen was initially named Ask Now you may be wondering who this guy Jeeves is? Jeeves is a fictional character from P.G. Wodehouse’s one of the best selling comic creations “Carry on, Jeeves”. In these novels Jeeves is a personal valet of Bertram Wilberforce and manages to rescue his master from awkward situations through his intelligence. So, the basic idea was to have your personal saviour like Jeeves and get answers to all your questions. That’s cool! Your personal Jeeves at your service.
 However in 2005 the company phased out Jeeves from the name. He was stated to be “going into retirement” and the search engine name was changed to “” as we know it today.
It is very interesting to see how every company name has a story behind it. Whether its tossing a coin by HP to decide the company name or spelling mistake by founders of Google. These stories are always fun to know and I am here at your service to take you through these interesting facts and stories. So keep reading.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

GOYARD : It’s about legacy and exclusivity!!

GOYARD - French Trunk & Bag Maker

In today's retail landscape where competing brands like Gucci and Chanel are focusing on opening dozens of impressive flagship stores around the world to expand their reach and global footprint and promoting collaborations to expand their Business. Goyard-a French trunk and bag-maker has maintained a mysterious and impressive reputation based on quality and prestige .
 While other brands provide more as seasonal flourishes or hire new creative directors to bring in some modernity and variety to the designs, Goyard keeps being Goyard since 1853. They keep their heads down and keep doing what they do.The brand firmly believes in values such as “exclusivity and discretion". They do absolutely zero advertising and have very few stockists, sold only at Barneys and Bergdorf Goodman in New York and two stores in California. The company policies refrain any Goyard employee from talking to any media person or reveal any inside information. So, you can see its not easy to have a peek through the windows of Goyard and also back in 2010, when the brand came out with an art book which Suzy Menkes dubbed "a luxury bible," only 233 copies were distributed; a copy of the book is available for viewing by appointment at its Paris shop. Now that’s how you maintain the secrecy. Isn’t it? And secrecy is a part of the appeal!

Though certain e-commerce sites claim to sold Goyard products, but a disclaimer has been issued by Goyard against such sites. Some sellers  can be seen selling Goyard replica products on their Website. The company also provides custom services to its customers where apprenticed artists trained in France hand-paint initials or images onto bags. Obviously they are going to charge you for it. The limited availability of Goyard has kept the passion towards the brand alive, the problem with Louis Vuitton or Gucci is they roll out several designs every year through hundreds of store which they own around the world. So for the people who prefer exclusivity appeal is lost if everyone is carrying the Louis Vuitton or a Gucci. This is where the Goyard succeeded , it held on to  its traditional craft-oriented roots that truly has a limited supply and thus it creates a mystery around it and there is always an allure to a bit of mystery!!



When I say Sachin Tendulkar or Amitabh bachchan is a Brand in itself most of you will agree with me. Sometimes the artists, cultural groups or reference groups plays an important role in shaping or influencing our opinions , beliefs and sometimes giving the much needed voice to the society. Today I am going to talk about one such influential group from Pakistan ‘The Political Rock band’ “BEYGAIRAT BRIGADE”. It is a Lahore based band which came into existence in 2011, what made this band so talked about was their first satirical  song “Aalu Andey” which was released online in October 2011 and went viral within hours of its release and got 84000 likes in two days from within Pakistan , with all the media people rushing to get the  young members of this band on board to interview them. The band's lead vocalist is Ali Aftab Saeed with  Hashir Ibrahim, Daniyal Malik and Hamza Malik as other members.

Now what made “ Aloo Andey” such an instant hit was its unsparing lampooning of pakistan’s top politicians and generals from Ashfaq kayani to Zia-ul- Haq and from Nawaz Sharif to Imran Khan and direct reference to contentious issues like Azmal kasab, Killing of Salmaan Taseer (Governor) by his own guard Qadri, reference to Abdul Aziz Ghazi’s escape in veil from Lal Masij in 2007 during siege. Honestly speaking, I myself was awestruck by so direct reference to such influential people in the video and it requires a lot of courage. But these youths from Lahore raised the issues Pakistan faces related to  its politics, corruption, military in a humorous way and became an instant hit online with even  local media playing it repeatedly over television.

The band itself was surprised by the huge success that the song got in such a short span of time. According to them its the silent voice of people which is coming out against the small minority of extremists. Raising a voice in Pakistan against the military, religion or political establishment can have serious repercussions, the incidents of killing of Prominent rights activist Sabeen Mahmud shortly after hosting an event on people missing in Balochistan at her Karachi café and shooting at  Malala Yousafzai for standing for human rights and girls education are still afresh in our minds. But such fears could not stop this brave & determined Band from releasing their song. The placard at the end of the video which reads “If you want a bullet through my head ‘ Like this Video’” is self explanatory of the fears in the mind of people.

Undettered by the “ Friendly advices”  they received after release of their first video, this three  member band went forward and released other two singles “Sab Paisey Ki Game Hai” in February 2013 criticizing people’s obsession with money & reference to political scams in the name of sovereignity, security and safety. The Band’s another single “ Dhinak Dhinak” was released in May 2013 which criticized the Military’s indirect influence on politics- again something controversial. But the video was not taken in the good taste and was blocked from the video sharing site Vimeo. You might be thinking what about You Tube? Ohh I forgot to mention it was lying blocked since September 2012 over its hosting of the “Innocence of Muslims”, a movie that sparked furious protests around the world. Despite the hurdles the songs of “Beygairat Brigade” went viral and were played in local media.

 The success story of “ Beygairat Brigade” shows how the silent voices of the society find ways to express them when things get intolerable. Our society needs many more youths like Ali Aftab who are fearless and determined. SALUTE to the spirit of all the Band members of “ Beygairat Brigade” You are true heroes, keep up with your work and raise your voice. Stay Happy and Stay safe!! RESPECT

Evolution of Apple's LOGO

Apple Logo over the years

Logos form an important part of a company ‘s identity. They are like face of a company which help people to remember and easily recognize the brand .Every logo is unique in its own way and has a story to tell about company’s evolution over the years beginning from it’s inception.

The logo of apple is famous and recognized all over the world. The first logo of apple was designed by Steve Jobs and Ronald Wayne in 1976 showing  Issac Newton with an apple dangling on a tree above his head with the inscription “NEWTON…  A mind forever voyaging through strange seas of thought... Alone” giving tribute to Newton. In 1977 logo was changed to Rainbow Apple inspired from the first success of Apple II, a computer with colored graphics.

Now, this is interesting ! A lot of stories goes behind what bite in the logo of Apple stands for. It is said that the bite in the apple was introduced to differentiate it from Cherry tomato, and according to another story the bite  honors the  mathematician Alan Turing ,the father of computers who committed suicide by eating an apple with cyanide. The bite also goes with company’s slogan                 "BYTE INTO AN APPLE”. Okay!  That’s a lot of thought there.

Later in 1998 when iMac was launched , the logo was made monochromatic to go with looks of iMac. Today gradient Chrome silver design is used because of its flexibility and ease of placing it on all apple devices.  So, we can see how a simple logo like an apple can go a lot of transformation over the years, I was just wandering how Starbucks came up with their logo-that’s something really intricate!! We will find out, but one thing is clear that a  logo is not just a symbol to identify a Brand but it’s a reflection of company’s values, business, success and a lot more.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

How HP got its Name?

We have generally seen coin toss at the start of sports games But deciding the name of company through a coin flip? Yess!! That is how HP got its name . Founders “ Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard” tossed a coin to decide whether the company would be called Hewlett – Packard or Packard Hewlett. And we all know who won the toss!!

These two computer graduates founded the company in 1939 with a capital of $538 and the company predates the computer age. HP was literally started in a Palo Alto garage, setting the template for Silicon Valley start-ups. This garage is now officially deemed a state historical landmark .HP is also recognized as the symbolic founder of  Silicon Valley .

 HP's first product was a resistance-capacitance audio oscillator used for testing with Walt Disney as an early customer which used hp oscillators to make the ground breaking film “Fantasia”

The company has been growing ever since. In 2015 Forbes list ranked Hewlett Packard  #35 on World’s Most Valuable Brands. Margret Whitman is the current CEO of  HP with nearly 300000 employees and $109.76 B in annual revenue as of 2015.

So, having difficulty in deciding name for your new venture or a project, How about tossing a coin?

TATA NAMAK - Desh Ka Namak


I was having my lunch this afternoon and realized that something is wrong with the food .And you know what it was?? The SALT!!  This kept me wondering for long that how salt is an inextricable part of our lives. Upon recalling the Brands of salt I know, the first brand that came to my mind was “ TATA SALT” . I repeated the exercise with few of my friends and the first brand they could recall was “TATA SALT”. This shows how deeply ingrained the Brand is in our minds or if I put it in the words of Al Ries & Jack Trout, TATA SALT holds a higher ground in our minds, if we see our mind as a battlefield which brands are competing to conquer. For  a low involvement and a low value product like salt ,Tata  made best use of  first mover advantage along with the effective campaign  run by the government of India at that time to promote iodised salt  in the wake of increasing iodine deficiency related cases in India.

Tata is a name associated with Trust in India ,India has seen pioneering and entrepreneurial spirit of TATA’s right from the period of Jamsetji Nusservanji Tata who founded the Tata Group in 1848 to the present Chairman of Tata Sons Ltd- Mr. Ratan N. Tata under whose leadership Tata group has become a global player. the Tata group has spawned several industries of national importance in India like steel, hydro-power, hospitality, airlines. So when India was facing the problems of good quality iodised salt ,Tata gave India it’s first branded Iodised salt  “ Tata Salt”.

History of Tata Salt

Tata has the largest integrated chemical plant in Mithapur from where Tata salt was launched in 1983, the story behind this plant and salt is very interesting and goes like this, In the early 1920’s a Chemical Engineer from England named Kapil Ram vakil saw the potential of developing salt works in the Okhamandal region of Gujarat, the Maharaja of Baroda gave him the permission and Okhamandal Salt works was established but after a decade later when he wanted to expand and set up a soda ash plant, Tata’s were approached to back the project of national importance which they willingly took up and set up Tata chemicals in 1939.They cracked the code of manufacturing Soda ash which was closely guarded secret among 6 giants and scaled up the production and now has become second largest producer of soda ash in the world

What’s fascinating is that Tata never intended to manufacture and sell salt. The soda ash plant needed fresh water for their boilers. Hence to supply fresh water, the company started purifying sea water and it created high quality salt as a bye product in the process. This coincided with the government campaign with the support of UNICEF for promoting iodised salt since iodine deficiency was a serious issue haunting the children's health. So, this scenario and willingness of Tata’s to take up any project of national importance gave birth to one of the super brands and a classic case of branding a commodity in the Indian market.

Positioning of Tata Salt

Initially Tata salt was associated with purity , hygiene and best quality and as people had trust in the brand name of Tata , they embraced the product willingly and it became the household name. Tata also  sticked to it’s commitment of delivering the quality product to Indian masses, many competitors entered and exited the market but Tata  never compromised on quality and delivered best product at best price. But later Tata Salt was repositioned on the platform of emotion. The brand owners felt that they should rise above the rational differentiation and try to emotionally influence the consumers and create high involvement of consumers in a low involvement product like Salt. The initial 'Namak ho Tata ka — Tata Namak' and path breaking taglines 'Desh ka Namak' and ‘Tata Salt- Desh ko arpan’ and most recent 'Gulmil ke' ad campaigns are creatively tapping into this emotional connect, reinforcing Tata Salt's leadership position in the marketplace as well as in the consumer's mind.

Keeping pace with changing times.

With the changing needs of the consumer and to differentiate its products , Tata has come up with variants like Tata Salt Lite - a low sodium salt , Tata Salt Plus- an iron fortified Iodised Salt, and in 2012 Tata Salt  came up with Flavortiz 'Ab Lao Taste mein Twist' which offers three exciting choices of flavoured salt — Lemon Coriander, Red Paprika and Onion Garlic along with black pepper powder to add variety and fun to the nation’s most trusted salt Brand.

So, Tata Brand is  all set to take new challenges that may come in it’s way and retain it’s position in the Indian market as top selling brand of iodised salt. Tata salt will continue to retain  higher grounds in the mind of Indian consumers in decades to come. Respect to Tata’s from my side for their entrepreneurial spirit, vision and philanthropic nature. After all “ Maine Desh ka Namak khaya hai!!”

Sharbat e Rooh Afza

Hamdard's Rooh Afza

Come the scorching hot summer season, the first thing that is sure to take its place in the refrigerators of every Indian & Pakistan household is a bottle of Rooh Afza . All of us savour the refreshing taste of Rooh Afza added to home made ice creams, milkshakes, yogurts and kheer made by our mothers. Rooh Afza's appeal has endured, even in a market that has, for a couple of decades now, been awash with American colas, Tetra pack juices, powdered drinks and commands nearly 50 % of the concentrated syrup market of India. Rooh Afza has specific Unani recipe which combines several ingredients popularly believed to be cooling agents, like roses, fruits, herbs and vegetables and was founded by Hakeem Hafiz Abdul Majeed in 1906 in Ghaziabad, India and is now manufactured by the companies founded by him and his sons under Hamdard Laboratories. Hakim Abdul Majeed was a physician of Unani herbal medicine and after having consultation with his wife set up an herbal shop at his House Qazi in Delhi in 1906, After few days he started to produce herbal medicine there and  In 1907 he came up with Rooh Afza from an establishment at Lal Kuan in Old Delhi.

The history of Hamdard has, in a way, followed the history of the subcontinent, In 1947 when India and Pakistan were separated, the elder son stayed in India while the younger son migrated to Pakistan and started a separate Hamdard from two rooms in Karachi,Pakistan. Similarly, when East Pakistan broke away in 1971, the branch of Hamdard that had been set up in Dhaka in 1953 turned into Hamdard Laboratories, Bangladesh. Like any lasting and successful Brand, Rooh Afza has passed through moments of anxiety and uncertainty. But Rooh Afza strived the hard times by reinventing and refreshing the Brand over time but sticking to its USP of “ Healthy Alternative” and has performed well with health conscious customers.

To reinvent the Brand Rooh Afza roped in Juhi Chawla in 1990’s to be its Brand Ambassador. In 2009, Hamdard commissioned cookbook author Nita Mehta to devise 30 recipes inspired by the drink. The Relishing Recipes From Rooh Afza, a bottle-shaped booklet was launched with testimonials from women thanking the syrup.Internationally renowned Chef Tommy Miah  signed a deal with Rooh Afza  to promote it in various dishes.

The distinctive taste, fragrance and color has not only made Roof Afza popular among common people, but also inspired the writers and poets to make it a theme of their creative efforts. the refreshing color and taste of Rooh Afza inspired famous 20th century Urdu poet to write the following beautiful verses:

Jo rang dekho to dilruba hai,
Maza jo chakkho to janfaza hal;
Mahak main phoolon se bhi ziyadah.
Asar main iksir-e-be-baha hai;
Jo is main tafrith-o-taquiyat hai,
Na us ki ghayat, na intiha hai;
Na rooh afza sa kai sharbat,
Kabhi baneyga na ban chuka hai;

Rooh Afza is a drink that has not only soothed the souls of people since decades but has also strengthened the brotherhood  and peace by becoming an inseparable part of Chabeel in India and Ramadan in Pakistan.

Sa'il dhalvi is very apt in saying 
            "Never has there been a sharbat like Rooh Afza, and never will there be."